Creation of the Granville Conservation Commission

Granville was severely affected by tropical storm Irene in 2011, which lead to FEMA purchasing two properties along the White River, totaling 5 acres. The town of Grandville has since acquired the land, which spurred community members to think about creating a conservation commission. In 2013 a petition was circulated to have a town meeting to vote on forming a conservation commission. The town voted in favor and four people were found to join the commission. They meet quarterly and as of April 2014, the commission has developed a Vision 2020 statement outlining project goals (see document attached). The commission's initial project will be to guide the management of the two new parcels of town land to enhance wildlife habitat and public access.

Project Contact: Jim Dague
Project Contact Email:
Regional Planning Commision: Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission
partnerships, wildlife
Other Keywords: Floodplain, FEMA, Conservation Commission
Project Accomplishments:

As of April 2014, the project has successfully created a Conservation Commission and developed goals for the two new parcels of town land.

Project Partners:

No partners have yet been involved with the project, but the commission will be reaching out to numerous groups such as: Audubon of Vermont Granville citizens and land owners United States Forest Service (USFS) University of Vermont Extension Service,

Critical to Success:

Finding community members who are willing to join the commission was critical to successfully creating the commission


Finding enough people to join the commission going has been, and may continue to be, a challenge.